
Help! How do i create a zap for paypal to XP when a member cancels subscription

Hi Im very new to Zapier so please help in as basic terms as possible! 

I am looking to set up a zap - when a member cancels their PayPal or stripe subscription, it removes them from xperiencify (XP).

Many thanks in advance for any and all help

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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey there, @eb7t7! Welcome to the community - we’re so happy to have you. 🤗 

Hmm, so a good place to start is the PayPal Stripe, and Xperiencify pages to see if there’s triggers and action steps that support what you’re looking for. Good news is at least one version of this should be possible. 🙂

 Stripe does have a Canceled Subscription trigger and Xperiencify two different versions of remove student from courses depending on what you’re looking for.

That said, at the moment this doesn’t appear to be possible through Paypal though. 

I’ll also pop some resources below that may be useful if you’re just getting started with Zapier:

Along with this incredible article my teammate Danvers wrote on working through if and how Zapier can help.

I hope some of this helps and happy zapping! ⚡️

Thanks so much - oh the xp team said I could do it with PayPal so I will ask them again. I’d rather not do it manually but if needs be ill have to. Great news on stripe though! Ill try this in the morning. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @eb7t7,

You're absolutely welcome! It's great to know that christina.d was able to assist you and guide you in the right direction.

We're definitely interested in hearing about the results of your testing. Please don't hesitate to keep us updated. We're here to support you along the way! 🤗