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Can anyone confirm if I can save new Gravity form submissions as new rows in a Smartsheet, including attachments from the Gravity forms?





Hi @Kyle NAC 

There is this Smarthsheet action available: Add Attachment to Row


Zap Steps

  1. Trigger: Gravity Forms - Form Submission
  2. Action: Smartsheet - Add Row to Sheet
  3. Action: Smartsheet - Add Attachment to Row (map Row ID from Step 2)

Thanks Troy! You’re right!

Hi @Troy Tessalone, I’ve been playing around with the “Add attachments to Row” action, but I can’t figure out how to map the attachment to the correct row in Smartsheet. I.e. I have to use two Zaps to move the form data (1 zap) and the form attachments (2nd zap) to Smartsheet. How do I make sure they end up in the same row in Smartsheet without having to manually tell Zapier which row for every Gravity submission?


Thanks in Advance!



@Kyle NAC

Please post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured to provide context.

Unfortunately, the Smartsheet Zap app integration doesn’t have a Find Row action available:

Likely means the Smartsheet API would have to be used:

App APIs can be used in Zaps with the Webhook app: