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Gravity Forms > Bullhorn Integration without duplicates

  • 17 February 2021
  • 6 replies

We use Gravity Forms to collect details from users on our website (i.e. e-news subscribers, lead capture for downloadable resources, etc.). I was hoping to use a Zap to send this information from the Gravity Forms directly into our CRM/ATS, Bullhorn. However, some of these users will already have an existing record in Bullhorn, in which case I do not want it to create a duplicate record, but instead to identify the existing record (based on email) and update it with the new information. There is no Create/Update step for Bullhorn in the Zap, how can I accomplish this?

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6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @The Headhunters 

Try this Zap configuration…

Use the Find Candidate search step then Paths:

Logic would be…

Path A: If Found = TRUE, then Update Candidate

Path B: If Found = FALSE, then Create Candidate


Interesting! Am I correct though that using Paths would require us to upgrade to a Professional plan?

Also, there does not appear to be an “Update Candidate” Action?

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

@The Headhunters 

Yes, Paths would require a Zapier paid plan of a certain tier.

And sorry, I mixed up Update Candidate with Update ClientContact.

So, looks like that action is not available via their Zapier integration.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

@The Headhunters 

Were you able to get this squared away based on the previous suggestions?

Please let us know, thanks.

No, unfortunately the Zapier > Bullhorn integration does not offer the functionality we need andwe are now pursuing other options instead of Zapier.