Hi All,
I am working on automating social media posts for Facebook and Instagram with buffer. As this is the best place for me to schedule them by adding them to the queu.
What i noticed is that with several option's i've tried to create the correct @mention in the FB post (haven't done this for Instagram yet, but would expect the same logic)
I've tried the following:
I've used the following URL https://www.facebook.com/hetbestevanlokaal/
the part of “hetbestevanlokaal” is the unique identifier, which also is found as 110348757776254
I used the following documentation of Buffer: https://support.buffer.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038453214-Adding-mentions-tags-in-posts
I tried several options
- @110348757776254
- @id110348757776254
- @hetbestevanlokaal (which creates a link to https://twitter/hetbestevanlokaal)
- https://facebook.com/110348757776254
- https://facebook.com/hetbestevanlokaal
But none does the trick of having the correct @mention in buffer.
Anyone an idea which formatting is should use?
KR Bram