Hi @MegK
Have you reviewed the available help doc for how to get started with this app in Zapier?
Do I need a paid AccessAlly account to use AccessAlly with Zapier?
You need a paid AccessAlly plan to use AccessAlly with Zapier.
What kind of AccessAlly hosted account can I use with Zapier?
AccessAlly's Zapier integration supports self-hosted accounts only.
Apps can be connected in Zapier here: https://zapier.com/app/connections
Hi @Troy Tessalone!
Yes I did get to read that article, it’s where I found the picture I reference actually , I am missing the zapier integration on my accessally settings….
Do you know why the zapier integration option would be missing by any chance?
Hi @MegK
- Do you have a paid AccessAlly account?
- Do you have a self-hosted account?
If yes, then you’re probably best to reach out to AccessAlly for help since it’s their app.
Do I need a paid AccessAlly account to use AccessAlly with Zapier?
You need a paid AccessAlly plan to use AccessAlly with Zapier.
What kind of AccessAlly hosted account can I use with Zapier?
AccessAlly's Zapier integration supports self-hosted accounts only.
@Troy Tessalone thank you for your help, reaching out to AccessAlly definitely makes more sense! I