I'm trying to fix an issue in a webhook trigger so I turn to logging everything via z.console.log to find out what is going wrong.
Here's how the operations bit look like in my trigger module:
operation: {
type: 'hook',
performSubscribe: subscribeHook,
performUnsubscribe: unsubscribeHook,
perform: getItem,
performList: listItems,
sample: sample
So, I enable the test zap, fire the webhook and I expect to see some logs when I run the cli command "zapier logs".
Running the command, sometimes it gets me a 503 error, saying "Logs are temporarily unavailable, please wait 15 minutes and try again". Some other times it does return things but I would only see logs from the "performSubscribe" function and nothing from the "perform" or the"performList" functions.
I have set a send mail action in the test Zap and I do get an email when I fire the hook, so am I right to presume that one those "perform" functions are indeed being called?
I have a z.console.log on the very first line of both those functions so if they are being called there should be a line in the logs.
I would really appreciate if someone could help me out here.