
Zapier CLI not refreshing auth token

  • 1 June 2022
  • 1 reply

So I’ve setup Zapier CLI with refresh token and everything was working fine. 


Recently, I’ve made some changes and I started getting this. It means the auth token is getting expired.

The changes I’ve made were not even related to authentication even.


Any idea why this is happening?

For reference:


module.exports = {
perform: perform,



My changes:

module.export = {
perform : (z, bundle) => someFunction(z, bundle, perform)

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1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Hi there @iambatman22 ,

Hm, based on what you’ve shared I can’t figure out what would have broken. I don’t see any apps on your this the account you’ve built the app on.

Can you share more information, and/or re-post the question logged in as the user with the app at

Note that you can also get specific help on apps or Zaps [by contacting our developer support team](