
Why does my app’s trigger not run automatically?

  • 19 October 2021
  • 1 reply


I created a trigger and action in my integration Zapier.

  • The trigger "New contact" is ok,
  • The action "Create event" is ok,
  • Oauth2 is ok,
  • Refresh token is ok.

I created a zap with trigger “new contact” from our crm with resthook. The subscribe and unsubscribe webhook tested and are ok. When i launch manualy the zap, the trigger and the action work properly.
But, when i activate “zap” to “on”, nothing is happening. I wait 10, 15, 60 minutes but nothing is happening.

New entries (new contact in the CRM) do not seem to refresh automatically in the zap trigger.

Is it because i'm on a free plan or our app is not published in Zapier ?

Thanks your response.

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
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The integration being private/unpublished isn’t adding a restriction.

Being on a free plan won’t limit you, assuming you have tasks left in the current billing month. That’s something working checking.

With a REST hook, some places to start troubleshooting:

  • Make sure the Zap is on
  • Make sure the hook subscription is tied to the account where you’re creating the events. Make sure the correct callback URL is being persisted and used. A new subscription and listener endpoint will get created every time you pause and re-enable the Zap. You’ll need to make sure that your eventing system can support multiple subscriptions to the same event by the same user (a user may want to run multiple workflows every time X happens in your system).
  • Check server logs and confirm the hook message is being sent to the correct callback endpoint
  • Go to the monitoring section in the Zapier developer UI and see if there are any log entries related to those hook messages getting received. Is the issue that data is not coming in, or is there some issue that’s preventing your test Zap from actually running?
  • Add z.console.log() statements in your perform method or other request handlers to narrow down what’s going on.