I’m adding custom fields to my action form( through CLI).
here is the Working code.
const custom_fields_arr = (z, bundle) => {
var email=encodeURIComponent(bundle.authData.email);
const response = z.request('https://myURL/custom_fields/'+email);
// json is {"custom_fieldsf5]":"field_name"},{"custom_field_14]":"field_name"}]
//here custom_field_5],custom_field_14] =>5,14 is the custom_field id from database
return response.then(res => res.json);
and i’m able to generate custom field successfully.
but the problem is when i tried to pass this value(along with forms other value) i’m not able to get bundle.inputData.custom_field because of ‘e]’ parentheses, how can i post this data.