Hey @sb89 ,
Excellent question!
From your description, without seeing the trigger, it sounds like the trigger might not have a `performList` function defined:
When an instant (REST hook) trigger does not have a `performList` function, as you mentioned, the Zap Editor will call the `performSubscribe` function and establish a temporary subscription so a real, live sample can be received. That subscription should be garbage-collected within a few hours using the `performUnsubscribe`. I understand this is not ideal as there’s a chance that, for a few hours, two subscriptions will exist (although only one, the one created when turning the Zap on, should be able to trigger the Zap during that time).
When a `performList` exists, however, instead of subscribing, the Zap editor should make a request, usually a GET, for records to use as samples. Of course, depending on the trigger, your API might not have a matching endpoint available.
Apologies if I’m off track and you’ve already implemented a `performList`. Feel free to reach out to our Platform Support team if we can help take a closer look: https://developer.zapier.com/contact