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Oops! You passed too much data - Dehydratation

  • 15 November 2022
  • 5 replies


User of our app got error “Oops! You passed too much data (6725 bytes) to your dehydration function - try slimming it down under 6000 bytes (usually by just passing the needed Ids.”

I didn't find any information about limitation in documentation. Can you give as a hint?

Thank you.

Best regards,



Hi @MarekH 

Good question.

This Zapier Platform help article might provide guidance:

Hi @Troy Tessalone,

I did not find any information about 6000 bytes dehydration limit and how to handle that problem.

I am using the cli

I also looked to the example how to work with files: but it seems like it is not handling this problem.

Best regards,



Might be best to open a ticket with Zapier Support:

Hi @MarekH,

It looks like your app is hitting a limit on the maximum amount of data that can be passed via the inputData parameter on the z.dehydrateFile() method:

I wanted to let you know that we received your support ticket and our engineers are doing some further investigation to confirm.

Moving forwards, if you need to submit support tickets for issues related to a Zapier integration, please use the Zapier Developer Platform contact form here: That will ensure your ticket is routed directly to our platform support team.

Thank you for your patience on this! We’ll be in touch shortly via the new support ticket.

Hi @MarekH 👋

We’ve responded in the support ticket for this issue on your public integration 👍

The CLI platform allows for a hydration payload of up to 6KB to z.dehydrate / z.dehydrateFile. This is noted in the changelog here:  but I certainly agree that it would be valuable to include in the CLI documentation on hydration, which we will address, thank you!