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Hi everyone,

I’m doing integration on Zapier based on Oauth 2.0 but I cant get the client_id and secret_key. I generated a random string online and set it as client_id on environmental Variable...I’m having invalid_client when i process the request. So please I can I access them(Client ID and Client Secret) just like every other oauth 2 service provider

Hey @Armstrong , Which app are you trying to connect? Can you show me screenshot of the error? 

Hi @jayeshkumarbhatia  I’m trying to integrate this app below using Oauth 2.0 .How will I access the client_id and credentials



Hey @Armstrong, welcome to the Community!

We have a guide that gives instructions on how to add OAuth v2 to your integration here: Authentication — OAuth v2

In the Add Application Credentials to Zapier section of that guide, it mentions that it’s possible to reference the Client ID and Secret using the codes shown in the screenshot below:
Hopefully that helps to point you in the right direction! :)

Please How do I now generate the Client ID and Secret key….Because I have to see the credentials right? And also, how do I get the Authorization url and token endpoint all those stuffs are not provided...It’s really confusing...if you can help to make it easy 

How do I get the Credentials (Client and Secret) before I can add to my environment variable


Hey @Armstrong! :)

The Client ID and Secret Key would come from the OAuth provider/App you are integrating Zapier with, we wouldn’t generate those details from our side. In order to get the authentication endpoints you’d need to reference the app’s own API documentation. 

Do you have access to the API documentation for the app you’re attempting to connect to Zapier? If not, I’d recommend reaching out to the app’s developers to get access to it so that you can reference it to build this integration. Please do keep us in the loop on how you get on here! 

I’m integrating Zapier with my own application which is on your (Zapier) Developer platform (FaceDrip). Does it mean I have create an OAuth hosting server on my app and send the request to zapier?


When you build a Zapier integration, you’re configuring a client for your API. Part of that is configuring a way for your users to authenticate themselves to your API so that Zapier can make API requests on their behalf.


Zapier is not the authentication provider. It is a client.


With an API that uses OAuth 2 authorization code flow, the client id & and secret must be set up in your application, not Zapier.  Many apps have a UI where you can create a new “oauth app”, which is essentially creating an account for an API client, like your Zapier integration. This will generate a client id, and secret which you will then cut and paste into your Zapier integration’s auth config, along with any other scope variables and any other parameters required.


If you were building a Zapier integration for GitHub, for example, you’d first set up a new OAuth app in settings:




If you were using Auth0 as your OAuth provider, you’d create a new application there, which would create a client and secret to use:



Lots of good info on OAuth 2 authorization code grant flow on the web:  (remember that Zapier is the client in these discussions)


Hope that helps make more sense of auth configuration. You might post some of your developer docs here and folks may be able to jump in and provide more specific help. You might confirm that your API does, in fact, use OAuth 2 authorization code grant, and not some other authorization approach.

Thanks ma, these made a lot of sense. I just need a get an OAuth provider to sync with Zapier. Thanks