Hello everybody, i recently tried to create my own Trigger for my Zap.
But after Testing i always get the same error. Is there any way how i could map the “id” from Zapier with one of my id’s from my API? As an example map my TicketId with the “id” that Zapier needs.
Missing the "id" property
Here would be the Response of my API:
{"asset":null,"starttime":"2021-03-01T15:03:07.447+0000","shortdescription":"Retrium Firmenlizenz","category1":"/ITO/Support/","category2":null,"category3":null,"urgency":"Normal","impact":"Default","priority":"Normal","status":null,"attachments"::],"comments"::],"linksPropertyList"::],"language":"en","lastModified":"2021-03-22T16:09:22.402+0000","_links":{"self":{"href":"http://trueactapi-int.scout24.ch/trueAct/rest/tickets/2761281"},"comments":{"href":"http://trueactapi-int.scout24.ch/trueAct/rest/tickets/2761281/comments"},"attachments":{"href":"http://trueactapi-int.scout24.ch/trueAct/rest/tickets/2761281/attachments"}},"ticketId":2749974,"myTicketId":null,"user":{"displayName":"Riedener, Yves","customernumber":""},"assignedToMe":false,"Status":null,"AccountID":null}
Just wanted to follow up here as spotted
“yes, that's definitely doable. You can add code (maybe use map()
) within the API Configuration setup to rename the key for the TicketID field to ID, then make sure that gets returned to Zapier instead of TicketID. ”
If you’re unsure of the code to use for that, I’d recommend checking out the example Zane shared in this related topic:
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