Hi there,
I’ve got some API documentation that I’m working with to get some OAuth2 set up.
I’ve successfully got the application to go to the Authorize endpoint, where I can choose the scopes etc, but when I click confirm on the brand’s page, and I guess it’s making a POST to the Access Token endpoint I’m getting the result “Field named access_token
not found in OAuth2 results”.
Authorize: https://ads.XXXXXX.com/marketing_api/auth?app_id=XXX&state=xxx&scope=xxx&redirect_uri=xxx.
Access Token: https://ads.XXXXXX.com/open_api/v1.2/oauth2/access_token
Taking the auth_code
from the URL when Zapier tells me the “Field named access_token
not found in OAuth2 results”, I can curl the Access Token endpoint and get a valid token.
I’m assuming that I’ve got something incorrectly configured, and I wonder if it’s down to the way that the brand is returning the authorization code?

Any help welcome!
Thank you in advance.