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👋 Hi there 
We have created some public templates and would like to make some of them stand out. We noticed that the last template we created is listed on page 6 of the Crmble integrations page on Zapier.

Is there a way to make specific templates stand out?
Thank you 😉

Hi @Crmbledore 

If this is related to your Zap app integration built on the Zapier Developer Platform, then make sure to post the topic in the “Developer Zone” category:

Hi there @Crmbledore, welcome to the Community! 🎉

No need to create a new post, I’ve moved this topic over to the developer section so it will be seen by the right folks! 🙂

Hey @Crmbledore, Zap Templates are sorted by popularity, so that users can find the most relevant use cases. As such, there is no way to change the ordering in which Zap Templates are displayed.


Please let us know if you have any questions!