I’m attempting to create an employee with a POST to /v1/employees using this body:
"LegalEntityId": {{Legal Entity ID}},
"Prefix": "Mr",
"FirstName": "Charles",
"MiddleName": "Lutwidge",
"LastName": "Dodgson",
"Suffix": "V",
"Gender": "Male",
"BirthDate": "1944-04-01T00:00:00Z",
"Ethnicity": "AmerIndorAKNative",
"SocialSecurityNumber": "555555555",
"MaritalStatus": "Single",
"Veteran": "Yes",
"Disability": "Yes",
"HireDate": "2000-11-01T00:00:00Z",
"ReHireDate": "2020-05-21T00:00:00Z",
"EmployeeNumber": 12345,
"AlternateEmployeeNumber": 1234567890,
"Status": "Active",
"DepartmentCode": 10,
"WorkLocation": "Cincinnati",
"JobTitle": "Accountant",
"Type": "Regular",
"PaygroupDescription": "Weekly",
"Flsa": "SalaryExempt",
"PrimaryAddress": {
"StreetLine1": "4811 Mongomery Road",
"ZipCode": "45212",
"StreetLine2": "Building A",
"Suite": "Suite 100",
"City": "Cincinnati",
"State": "OH",
"Country": "USA",
"County": "Hamilton"
"HomeEmail": "home@domain.tld",
"WorkEmail": "work@domain.tld",
"Phones": [
"CountryCode": "+1",
"AreaCode": "513",
"PhoneNumber": "555-2300",
"Type": "Home"
"CountryCode": "+1",
"AreaCode": "513",
"PhoneNumber": "555-2300",
"Type": "Mobile"
When I do so, I get a bad-request (400) error:
Invalid Paygroup Description / DepartmentCode / PayrollCode combination
I don’t see the PayrollCode mentioned in the documentation: https://developers-sandbox.paycor.com/explore#operation/Create%20Employee
What am I missing?