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Integrate Zapier + Salesforce + RD Station

  • 14 September 2022
  • 1 reply


We have two different Business Units that use RD Station, and at the moment we're trying to unify Salesforce CRM in both companies. As an alternative to integrating the two tools, Zapier was used as middleware.

My question is, when we hire a single plan at Zapier, like the Company 500k tasks/mo  can I recognize the actions of the two RD Station that I own in the different business units, or if I need to have a Zapier plan for each unit that uses RD?



Hey @joaohbj30 👋

It sounds like you have two different RD Station accounts/authentications. 

No, you don’t need multiple Zapier plans to connect more than one RD Station account, you’ll simply connect both accounts: and create two Zaps to send data from RD Station to Salesforce, selecting the applicable RD Station connection in each. 

Some possible workflow ideas between those two apps here: 

Hope that helps with next steps here!