is it possible to output a file (csv, xlsx, json, XML) from Zapier trigger?
I'm making an integration from a service, that calls Zapier through webhooks informing there's a file to fetch. In the perform function, I make an API call to get the document and I would like to output the result of that call.
From what I can see, it looks like Trigger output should be a JSON. Is it possible to output for example a CSV file? If so, how?
Right now, I try to stash the file and return just the URL in following way: (feeling it's not quite it)
const file = z.dehydrateFile(() => {
const req = z.request(options)
const stash = z.stashFile(req)
return stash
return [file]
In the Test section I got following message:
We could not find your function/array/object anywhere on your App definition.