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How to get live data from input field during zap action?

  • 12 August 2021
  • 2 replies

I have one input field (select type) that is dependent on the value of another input field. So, I want the live data of the independent field and then provide the right choices for the dependent field. I have done it using bundle.inputData but it is getting the value from previous form, not from the live form. Then I have tried using bundle.inputDataRaw. But it returns empty object. How do I get the live data?  

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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Here’s an example of what it sounds like you’re trying to accomplish that might help:

Let us know that doesn’t get you up and running.

@Zane Thank you a lot. I wanted exactly similar to your demo. Though I am working in the CLI, still your explanation helped me to understand the things. Now, it works. Thanks again.