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How do I remove "custom" tab from dynamic field

  • 31 July 2021
  • 1 reply

Hi how do I disable “Custom” tab for dynamic field (here’s screen from zap setup for my integration).

We have a field in the integration that can only be one of few values returned by the backend. E.g. Task List can be either “Done”, “Doing” or “To Do’. I want to disallow user to type arbitrary string here, because it won’t work. Can I do it on Zapier side?

That’s not a configurable option. That’s built into the Editor and is there for all Zaps.

You might consider coding in validation into your trigger/action. If the user has mapped something that’s not in your allowed enumeration, you can catch it when they test the step in the Zap editor, vastly reducing the possibility someone is going to turn on a misconfigured Zap (they’d have to skip the test step). Be sure to provide a nice human readable error message. 

Building and sharing Zap Templates for common use cases with your users may help - eliminate the need for tinkering with field mappings and associated confusion.