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Hello everyone,

I’m facing an issue related “Output result” from my “Trigger”.
Example: My “Trigger” will return result: 
  "id": "3cc53c6a-c1be-4b35-8d95-4cb6b10df0f2",
  "name": "Product One",

  "customField68b13c15-dca4-4379-b886-e330ceb5b366": "0",
  "customField90d4edc4-6ad7-4369-a896-294589326239": "1",
  "customField0c720c0b-fee1-4b2f-91c1-94c8797f34b8": "1",
  "customField2b8276ce-b4ec-4577-a1e3-834aad278426": "",
  "customField621d5f06-5d32-44e1-b1d9-27616221b66c": ""


I expect it will show “friendly name” for all custom fields in “Next step” of Zap apps. instead of “customfieldIds”
We have hundreds of “customFields”, so we can’t input manually one by one “Output Label” for each custom fields.

Please let me know how can solve the highlighted issue.

Thank you.


If this is a vendor App webhook, you would need to work with the vendor to see if they are willing to use the friendly names rather than the API names.  If this is a Zapier Webhook, unfortunately you are stuck with the API names received by the webhook.  That said, there is a technique using the Visusal Builder.  Visual Builder is the online Zapier developer tool.  This tool provide a technique to rename the API names to a friendly name.  For more info on Visual Builder see


Hello @Mercology,

Thank you for your reply.

I'm developer and currently working on building a Zap application for my company.
Regarding my question.
I created a Trigger with output result in first screenshot. 

But as you can see in "Next Step", as user, they only can see the "id (i.e customfielda, customfieldb) I want "friendly names" will be appeared there. 

As I researched, we can add "friendly name" manually in "Output result definition", but I want to generate it automatically (because the number of fields can reach hundreds fields).

Do you know any solutions for this? If yes, please let me know more detail.


@nghiem.nguyen as @Mercology suggested, if you can get the API you are calling to respond differently that might be best, I know with some APIs they offer settings like this, but I’m not sure which API you are working with here and if there is a setting/switch for custom fields. 


Questions that would give some better ideas on a possible answer:

  • Does the API return the custom field names in an array or a map or object?
  • Is there a way to query the API with a customfield ID and get the API to respond with the customfield Name?

In essence, if you can get the field names from the API you can parse the JSON and add new keys for the customfields with their correct values. (and then remove the customfields from the resultset)

I am also facing the same problem . I have a trigger which returns me below response :


And on the next stage while defining an action i  get direct ids(bson):


I am looking for a friendly name for the these fields just like how Google or Quickbook’s trigger’s provide . . They have a friendly mapping for all keys they are returning from a trigger . I was wondering if there is anyway to achieve that