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How could I work with a Drive file? For example, in my workflow I need to send a PDF file to my API, currently I have developed almost the entire process in ZAPP, but I am missing how I can tell you which Drive file I want to send.
I will start the flow from Drive and from there it will call my application

Hi @wCriado 

Perhaps you can post screenshot with how your Zap steps are currently configured to help us better understand your workflow.

Do you mean GDrive?

Is the file a PDF or are you trying to send the PDF format of another file type?

Hi Troy , Thanks for answering, sorry for not expressing myself well, I wanted to edit the post but I couldn't.
My intention is to use the URL of a Google Drive PDF document, to send as a parameter to my API.
My question is once my API comes into play, how do I get the url to pass it, my idea is that my ZAPP is available when working on Google Drive.
Thanks !


What is the GDrive trigger for your Zap?

Posting screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured can be very helpful to provide context.

You may need to use a GDrive Find File step to get the desired file URL. (use the returned ‘Alternate’ link)

You’ll need to use a publicly accessible PDF file on GDrive, meaning you may have to change the permissions of the file.

Here’s a help article about using files in Zaps:

Thanks again Troy, my trigger will be an upload of a new document to Google Drive. What my zapp will do is connect to my API (login and return a token) and then I will request a series of data to fill in (for example, the recipient) and use that link (public) to pass the url to my API