Hey there I keep getting the error:
Polling sample in Zap 124855126 includes fields not found in latest task history (ID: 00097173-c64e-a25a-a714-696d6b6fc2b1); extra keys: "custom_field_133867", "custom_field_133868", "custom_field_69432", "custom_field_69433", "custom_field_69435", "custom_field_69436", "custom_field_77580"
now I'm not sure why since I have a custom function that queries these labels:
const customerOutputFields = (z, bundle) => {
const response = z.request(
// json is like [{"key":"field_1","label":"Label for Custom Field"}]
return response.then((res) => res.json);
Since it’s a dynamic field name I’m not really sure how to sample it properly, or even if I need to. If I don’t then I’m not sure why I’m receiving this error. If I do, then is there documentation on how to write this? I haven’t seen it in their documentation any where.
For some context, these are optional custom fields that they can fill in (but don’t) when making a customer. So sometimes it’ll load blank.
sample: {
id: 123,
first_name: "Debbie",
last_name: "Cardone",
display_name: "Mrs Debbie Cardone ()",
created_at: "2018-12-03T18:42:15-06:00",
company_name: "CReason",
title: "Mrs",
notes: "Test Notes",
balance: "0.0",
revenue: "0.0",
is_lead: true,
is_imported: false,
marketing_source: "Zapier",
is_recurring: false,
is_churned: false,
is_new: true,
preferred_payment_method: "Credit Card",
birth_date: "2018-01-01",
recurrence_frequency: "weekly",
emails: [
address: "email@test.com",
email_type: "Work",
is_automatable: true,
phone_numbers: [
display_line: "(541) 555-3003",
phone_number: "+15415553003",
phone_number_type: "Mobile",
service_addresses: [
line1: "123 Line 1",
line2: "Line 2",
city: "Dallas",
state: "TX",
postal_code: "123 456",
iso_country_code_2: "US",
latitude: 12.0,
longitude: 34.0,
display_line: "123 Line 1 - Line 2. 123 456 Dallas TX",
billing_addresses: [
line1: "456 Line 1",
line2: "Line 2",
city: "Dallas",
state: "TX",
postal_code: "789 456",
iso_country_code_2: "US",
latitude: 12.0,
longitude: 34.0,
display_line: "456 Line 1 - Line 2. 123 456 Dallas TX",
custom_fields: [
label: "Alarm code",
value: "1234#",
Thanks in advance, sorry if this is blatantly obvious!