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Amazon Seller Central will not allow me to connect Zapier with Kajabi outside of the North America region

  • March 16, 2023
  • 1 reply


I am based in the UK and it appears Amazon Seller Central will not allow me to connect Zapier with Kajabi outside of the North America region.


I filled in the form to let Amazon's Marketplace Services team know that you would like to use Zapier with regions outside of North America but they stated:

I understand that you would like to use your third party application: Zapier outside NA.

Please note that the mentioned developer must be registered with Amazon in that specific marketplace to provide services to sellers in the marketplace. If they are not registered, you would not be able to connect with them. 

Kindly reach out to the developer for more information on this issue as we at Developer Support would not be able to help you with the issue due to support limitations. 

Path: Apps & Services> Selling Partner Appstore> search with the App name

Once you clarify their availability in the regions you want to work in, you could authorize them using the authorization button in the above link.”

I have very little understanding of what to do do next and who to speak to… any help appreciated?



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1 reply

Troy Tessalone

Hi @TNC 

Good question.

You can submit a ticket to Zapier Support to have your feature request properly logged: