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I'm  built a custom integration, and for authentication I’m using oauth v2.after login with credential it showing account is expired. And asking for reconnect.
 i also checked previous posts but not getting any solution, can anyone help me with it.




Had same issue, got fixed after updating test URL and creating new connection. Not sure if thats the root cause. Try it once tough.

Hey @hiretalent👋

The “expired” error on the app connection means that one or more of the OAuth v2 authentication process steps isn’t working successfully.

When it comes to troubleshooting errors with your app integration, the “Monitoring” page is the best place to start:

I’d recommend checking the details on the “Monitoring” page for error messages on authorization “events”.

Each of the authentication steps have specific event names that correspond to each step (such as authentication.oauth2Config.authorizeUrl and authentication.oauth2Config.getAccessToken) and so the details shown on any errors should help you to get a better understanding of which step isn’t working successfully and why.

Normally, an API would return further information about each error to help you understand the problem. You can use the “Monitoring” tab to view both the request and response data to find out more.

If the API isn’t including any additional information in responses that helps explain the reason for the error, I’d recommend the following:

  1. Check the API’s documentation for further information about errors.
  2. Check the API’s OAuth v2 documentation and make sure that your Zapier app integration is sending the required parameters and values at every step in the authorization flow.
  3. If you’re 100% sure that your app integration is sending the correct parameters and values to the API at each authentication step, you could also reach out to the team who operate and support the API to ask them for more details about the reason for the errors.

I hope this helps! If not, please could you post the following:

  1. Screenshots of the most recent errors shown on the “Monitoring” page for authentication events.
  2. A link to the documentation page for the API you’re using.