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Access integration version for use in header/url/various-other-places

  • 4 December 2019
  • 4 replies

I'm trying to figure out how to access the version of an integration being used for use in the API connection headers/url/...etc. I've tried bundle, authData, inputData and a few others that I guessed but version has not yet been found.

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Paging @ikbelkirasan who should be able to assist here.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @iarp - You can get the app version from package.json . One way to do it is to create a hidden input field as shown below and you'll be able to access the app version from bundle.inputData.appVersion


  // ...

  operation: {

    inputFields: [

    // other input fields...

      (z, bundle) => {

        const { version: appVersion } = require("../../package.json");

        return [


            key: "appVersion",

            hidden: true,

            default: appVersion







Userlevel 1

No way to access that via the form entry?

This isn't currently possible to achieve through the Visual Builder, no @iarp. That said, if you write in via the contact form at and select Developing an app on the Zapier platform this request will get routed to my team and we will be able to pass this on to the developer platform team for future consideration.