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I’m trying to setup a zap that takes information from a Google Sheet and then sends that to Twilio for the data to be referenced in a studio flow. The webhook successfully makes a call, but when on the call, none of the variables such as doctor or attorney are included.


Does anyone know how I can fix this? I’ve looked at about 15 guides and just can’t get it.


Also, the weird formatting on “Doctor”, “Attorney”, and “Address” is from another community post. I have tried the zap without those pieces surrounding the variable and gotten the same result. 


Hi @ColinHickmon 

Check out this related topic that might provide guidance:


Try with just the mapped variable for each key value. (remove the other JSON)


I appreciate it! That guide was actually part of what helped me originally get this setup.


My issue though is that the variables are not being received, not that calls aren’t being made. The zap will trigger a call perfectly fine, it’s just not sending the other stuff.


Did you try this?

Try with just the mapped variable for each key value. (remove the other JSON)


Yeah I have and still couldn’t get it.


Check these Twilio resources:


You likely will have to use a Custom Request (POST) so you can configure JSON.


"to": "+15558675310",
"from": "+15017122661",
"parameters": {
"name": "Zeke"



Will try that out later today. Appreciate your help!


You can validate the format of your JSON with this tool:

I keep getting this error when trying to run the custom webhoook:


Failed to create a request in Webhooks by Zapier

Missing required parameter To in the post body (HTTP Status Code: 400)


Here’s the data:



Did you validate the JSON?

You can validate the format of your JSON with this tool:


You need to have commas after the first 2 parameters. (example)

"To": "+15558675310",
"From": "+15017122661",
"Parameters": {
"name": "value",
"email": "value",
"phone": "value"


Just checked and it says valid after adding the commas.


Still receiving the same error though.


Can you post an updated screenshots with how your full Zap step is configured?


Also, try changing all the keys to be lower case or proper case.











Tried that one already and it didn’t fix it. Here’s the full flow. Very basic.



This still shows a mismatch in capitalization across the parameters.

Try changing parameters to Paramaters.


Fixed the capitalization error after the screenshot. Still not working 


I got this to work.

Use the regular POST. (not via Custom Request)

Configure your Parameters like this.


{"doctor": "value","address": "value","attorney": "value"}





Thanks so much for your help. Zapier better be paying you for all this lol


I’m just a Certified Zapier Expert, not a Zapier employee!