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Hi.  I’m attempting to use the “Find a User” function using Zendesk, but cannot seem to be able to search for users by ID.  I can find them by Email or Name, but for whatever reason, searching by ID always errors out. 

Does anyone have any ideas?

Queries that work
name:Mike Smith

Query that doesn’t


Even after finding the details of the user by querying via email, and then using that ID found in the query to run a new query results in a failure.  Pretty stumped

Hi @KMonkey 

To help us have full context, please post screenshots with how your Zap step is configured.




Can you post the link that is shown under the Query field description?


When referencing the article, I don’t see a matching syntax to:



Perhaps try with just the ID w/o the “id:”


Or you can try creating a custom action with the help of AI.


I figured it out.

It should be 