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I’m trying to build a workflow for a specific API authentication and I could not find a way to do it.
A company that I’m willing to do a partnership with is willing to send me data thanks to an API that will use an API Key with Header parameter name: X-API-KEY and they will also require a certificate (a private key) to allow full authentication.
I was hoping to add this private key in the Webhook Zapier integration but it’s not possible. 
I then looked into building a custom integration in Zapier but I don’t find this type of authentication method in the list. 
Could you help me figure out how to make this initial authentication? 
Thanks in advance for your help

Hi @wagnouze,

API can be troublesome at times, the reason being that different platforms utilize it in different ways, so if you can provide a link to their documentation then I can look into the exact way to get this done.

Here is some screenshot of how it can be done:


That’s very interesting, I’ll look into that. Thanks a lot!

I’m trying to figure out a similar thing right now, documentation is at:

In Insomnia I just add a header with the value “x-api-key” and then put the key as the value. 

A bit confused on what to do with making the zap. 

EDIT: sorry if jumping on this thread is bad practice? I wasn’t sure. 

@jj200200 not sure but I think that fortunately for you, your case seems easier since you don’t have to deal with the certificate (private key) that I need to add in my situation.

To make the zap, I think you should just add a step “Webhook” with any method (GET for example) and specify the value x-api-key in the header. 

What have you tried yet and what’s not working?

Thanks, @wagnouze I’m brand new to making custom Zaps and didn’t even think of that. Seems to be working. 
