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Hi there. I’ve created a Zapier Interfaces Form where people can upload excel documents.


I simply want to give the uploaded excel file to ChatGPT, and ask ChatGPT a question about the contents of the Excel file.


There doesn’t seem to be a way to get the excel sheet into ChatGPT via Zapier. And every workaround I’ve tried has failed so far. Is there a way to extract text from excel and pass it to chatgpt in order to read the content?


Would appreciate if anyone knows a solutions!




Hi ​@Rbm  


Uploading Excel to ChatGPT to have a conversation about its contents sounds like a pretty sweet idea!


Have you given the “Conversation with Assistant” action from ChatGPT a try? You could upload the file to a message using the “New Files” field. I’ve included a screenshot below of what it looks like:


(view larger)


The same action also has a field for “message” where you could send the prompt.


Feel free to let me know if you’ve tried this and run into any difficulties or limitations! 

Sadly I haven’t been able to get this to work with submissions from Zapier forms.


Here’s the error message that comes back every time. 





Looks like this is a known issue with the ChatGPT API. Found a discussion on this here:


Particularly, it looks like files with .xlsx extension (Excel files) aren’t supported at the moment, since it isn’t in the list here:


Perhaps you could add a step that can convert the Excel file to PDF before the ChatGPT step? You should be able to do so using Google Drive upload, and there’s an answered community discussion on this here: 

(Upload Excel to Google Drive to get the sheets in a PDF format)
