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 I have a resource with a key of artistResource and a noun of ‘famous painter’.  My resource has a list, search and create operation.  In my main index.js file I would like to have a SearchOrCreate action that leverages the search and create operations from my artistResource resource.  Unfortunately I get a validation error with any combination of references to the resource’s operations.


== Property
== Message
requires property "search"

== Property
== Message
requires property "create"
== Links

== Property
== Message
must match a "key" from a search (options: artistResourceSearch)

== Property
== Message
must match a "key" from a create (options: artistResourceCreate)

Version 1 - index.js:

    searchOrCreates: {
rartistResource.key]: {
key: artistResource.key,
display: {
label: 'Find or Create an artist.',
description: 'Find or Create Painters',
create: artistResource.create.key,

Version 2 - index.js: 

    searchOrCreates: {
bartistResource.key]: {
key: artistResource.key,
display: {
label: 'Find or Create an artist.',
description: 'Find or Create Painters',
search: artistResourceSearch.key,
create: artistResourceCreate.key,

Partial artistResource.js

module.exports = {
key: 'artistResource',
noun: 'famous painter',

list: {
display: {
label: 'Famous Painter',
description: 'Lists all artists.',
hidden: true
operation: {
perform: performList,

search: {
display: {
label: 'Find artist',
description: 'Finds an artist based on name.',

operation: {
inputFields: p
key: 'name',
required: true,
helpText: 'Find artist with this name.',
sample: {
name: 'Bob Ross'

outputFields: p
key: 'id',
label: 'artist_id'
perform: performSearch

create: {
display: {
label: 'Create artist',
description: 'Create a new artist',
hidden: false,
operation: {
inputFields: p
key: 'name',
label: 'Artist Name',
type: 'string',
required: true,
altersDynamicFields: false,

sample: {'name': 'Bob Ross'},
outputFields: p{"key": 'artist_id', "type": "integer"},
{"key": 'name', "type": "string"},
perform: performCreate,


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