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Zoom Webinar error ('rate limited')

  • 17 August 2024
  • 1 reply


I’m trying to automate adding Zoom Webinar Panelists (to an existing webinar) from new entries in a Google Sheet. To achieve this I created a Google Sheet trigger and a custom action (Add Zoom Webinar Panelist) which immediately worked fine, but has now suddenly stopped. The error message I’m getting says:

Failed to create an add webinar panelist (custom action) in Zoom
(‘An error occurred while calling an API - rate limited.', None)


My understanding is that there’s a limit to how frequently you can query the Zoom API. Does anyone know a fix?

Hi there @Andy Scisco,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

Just to be upfront, the Custom Actions Beta is considered an advanced feature, so our support for it may be more limited. Not because we don't want to help, but because APIs can be tricky to troubleshoot since we can't see what's happening on the other side. Every API that you send a request to is going to have slightly different structures that are required.

This makes it hard for us to know why the request may be receiving errors or not working as expected, beyond taking a general look at what's showing in Zapier.

Here are some helpful resources:

I appreciate your patience and understanding.

