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Zoho Notebook to Notion failed to go live

  • 19 August 2024
  • 8 replies

I’m trying to create a zap between Zoho Notebook and Notion.
All is running well while I’m creating the zap. All steps are ok and datas are retrieves and update in my Notion database.

But when I’m trying to switch on the zap, it fails everytime woth the following error message : 


request to https://notebook.zoho./%7B%7Bsel_dc%7D%7D/api/v1/notification/filtered/register? failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND notebook.zoho.


I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. Can some one can help me ?

Hi @Hervé K 

For us to have more info, post these screenshots:

  • how the Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode
  • the encountered error

Thanks for the reply.
My zap, is only at his start point with 2 steps

I don’t have any error when run it in edit mode.
But when I tried to activate it, I receive a mail saying “Your Zap could not be turned on” with the error indicate in the first post

@Hervé K 

Error seems to indicate an issue with the Zap trigger step 1.

Try duplicating the Zap.

I’ve tried to create the zap several time from scratch.
Just tried to make a copy but the issue is the same

@Hervé K 

You can try opening a ticket with Zapier Support:

Hi there @Hervé K 👋

I can see you reached out to our Support team about this and they’re still waiting on a response from you to confirm whether you’re using a free or paid version of Zoho Notebook. Did you since get things working?

If not, I’d recommend continuing the conversation with our Support team to have this investigated further. If you can’t see their email in your inbox, I’d recommend searching your spam/junk folder or searching your email inbox for any emails from in case it’s been misplaced. Please do report back here to let us know how you get on with them.

And if you did get things working, we’d love it if you could spare a few minutes to share details of what the solution was. This would be super helpful to other folks that might be running into similar troubles with Zoho Notebook.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

@SamB , thanks for your message.
I didn’t seen the email in my inbox, and just replied to it specifying I se a free version of Zoho.

And problem still occurs on my last tests


Hi @Hervé K,

It looks like our Support Team recently replied to your ticket. I’ll share details of the suggestion here in case it’s helpful:

I tested this issue on my end in my test account with a free Zoho Notebook account and encountered the same error you've been experiencing. Looking at Zoho Notebook's pricing page:, it's not entirely clear if the free version offers API integration. This could potentially be a factor in the issue we're seeing.

At this point, I would recommend reaching out directly to Zoho Notebook Support ( to clarify whether API integration is offered for free accounts. If they confirm that it is, please let me know so that I can escalate this as an issue on our side. If it turns out that API integration is only available on their paid accounts, upgrading your Zoho Notebook account should resolve the issue.

If you’ve got any questions regarding their suggestion it would be best to continue the conversation with them over email. If you can’t locate their reply I’d recommend searching your spam/junk folder or searching your inbox for any emails from in case. Sometimes their emails can end up in the spam/junk folder by accident.
