I’m trying to create a zap between Zoho Notebook and Notion.
All is running well while I’m creating the zap. All steps are ok and datas are retrieves and update in my Notion database.
But when I’m trying to switch on the zap, it fails everytime woth the following error message :
request to https://notebook.zoho./%7B%7Bsel_dc%7D%7D/api/v1/notification/filtered/register?JSONString=%7B%22resource_type%22%3A%22NOTEBOOK%22%2C%22filter_type%22%3A%22ID%22%2C%22filter_value%22%3A%22lovap7e4ebb0fdbaf4ac697d9218619d32fbf%22%2C%22action%22%3A%22UPDATE%22%2C%22url%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fzapier.com%2Fhooks%2Fstandard%2F19820952%2F93d21aaff2454940844c51af9f1843fb%2F%22%7D failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND notebook.zoho.
I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. Can some one can help me ?