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Zoho Books to Shopify Zap: New item not creating product

  • 15 May 2024
  • 6 replies

Good day

I’ve created and tested a Zap where: When I create a new ITEM in ZOHO BOOKS (Triger), a new PRODUCT is created in SHOPIFY (Action).

I tested the Zap before publishing and everything seemed in order. When I create a new ITEM in ZOHO BOOKS however, it does not appear on SHOPIFY. 

Can someone please assist? 

6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Alex_Fenwick 

Check your Zap Runs history for activity and issues:

Thank you sir. Please forgive me but I have no idea what you sent me. I am new to Zapier and this was my first Zap so I do not understand how to fix the errors mentioned. 


I understand that there is an error if it is a duplicate product etc. But when I capture new products (not currently on Shopify or Zoho), the products do not pull through. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Check your Zap Runs history for activity and issues:

You can search your Zap Runs to narrow the results.

Is there a related Zap Run for your test?

Did the Zap Run have an error? (If there are errors, post screenshots of the errors to give us more context.)


Zaps work while turned ON for new data going forward.

If there is no Zap Run, then it may be due to how you tested or how the Zap trigger step is configured.

You will note that the Zapier support could not help either…

This post has been edited by a moderator to remove personal information. Please remember that this is a public forum and to remove any sensitive information prior to posting.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


To help us have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

Post screenshots from your Zap Runs:

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi there @Alex_Fenwick,

It looks like our Support Team escalated your chat to email and they replied today. I’d recommend continuing the conversation with them via email. Here’s their latest reply:

You mentioned that you turned the New PRODUCT Zoho to Shopify Zap off and back on and tried to create a new item in Zoho Books and still, the Zap did not trigger. I did some more digging and I believe this could be a bug. As the next step, could you kindly share a full-page screenshot of the item you created for this test as it appears in Zoho Books so I can check our internal logs and see what happened when you created the item? Please make sure to include the browser's address bar as sometimes the URL contains IDs or other information that could help us figure out the issue. Be sure to indicate at what time (and in which timezone) the item was created so I can easily filter our internal event logs on the right timeframe.
To be clear, we are open to refunding the cost of the subscription since you will likely be unable to use the product once/if we establish this issue to be a bug. However, to do that, could you help us by sharing the materials I have requested above so I can put together all the necessary information to escalate the matter to the Zoho Books team who maintain the app integration with Zapier and should be able to address the issue.

I appreciate your patience and understanding.
