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I have automation set up: when specific criteria in HubSpot is met, sent contract details to MailChimp. My plan is Pro (750 tasks). Since this automation was set, outside of couple of test tasks, NO HubSpot criteria were met to trigger this Zap worked. But I’m receiving this error consistently. WHY? HOW TO SOLVE IT? Thanks


Hi there @Tempesta,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

Before we dive deeper, could you let me know if the Zap was triggered multiple times in a short period? Additionally, please send a screenshot of the Zap History showing the timestamps of when the Zap triggered.

I'll be keeping an eye out for your response!

Hi Ken

zaps were not triggered, as trigger is when in HubSpot we manually change the value of the field, and that field was not changed (outside of test occasions during the set up). Here is where my confusion coming: how it even can be marked as something is not working if there were no environment (triggers working) to make it work.


Attached are screenshots (first 3 and last 3 from 226 pages of history). 

Hi @Tempesta 

Looks like some sort of bulk update was made to contacts in HubSpot, thus triggering the Zap to run and causing the Zap Runs to be HELD.


Instead, try using this Zap trigger: HubSpot - New Contact Property Change

Specify the specific property to watch for changes.


Thanks Troy,


I just created new zap with suggested trigger: New Contact Property Change


I think what potentially could cause the previous trigger be false active is that a lot of contacts were added to HubSpot (you mentioned bulk actions, and this is only one bulk action possible in our HubSpot: as part of integration with email tool, each time new contacts added to the email campaign - they appear in hubSpot). Let’s see how this trigger will work.

Hi @Tempesta,

Please do keep us updated if the issue is still happening. We’re happy to help troubleshoot the issue further!

Thank you!
