
Zapier Support Ticket Unanswered After 6 Days: Zap Allowance Exceeded

  • 30 October 2023
  • 2 replies

I’m 6 days in on a support ticket request. Bad zap set up (my error) burned through my 2k zap allowance in a days (scream emoji) and I’m looking for some help instead of being forced to upgrade to 5k zaps. 


I’ve asked the question again (after 4 days) and used twitter (no reply) and lots of chat bot times. 


Any ideas? 


Thanks Zap Fam

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @ThePMac 

Billing issues must be handled by Zapier Support:

Zapier Customer Support expectations are outlined here:

Thanks...seems like I was working out of hours (which means emailing). Now that I am doing it within support hours I am hopeful I will find a human! 
