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Zapier returns string of numbers rather than correct date

  • 15 January 2024
  • 2 replies

Hey there Zapioids,

I’m getting an unusual problem with “Create Spreadsheet Row in Google Sheets” - see attachment “A”. Using “Date Day”, followed by a slash, “Date Month”, followed by a slash, “Date Year”, was at first adding today’s date correctly to my spreadsheet, as expected.

Then all of a sudden it instead started adding the value “45306” instead - see attachments “B” and “C”.

Any idea why this is occuring? Or if not, do you know another way to get Zapier to enter today’s date into a Google Sheets cell? I’m using the free version of Zapier.

Thanks very much.

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Eskalat 

You can change the format of the column data in GSheets.



TIP: You may want to consider using Airtable instead of GSheets, which has standardized field types, such as Date.

Hi Troy, thanks for the response - though the issue seems to have spontaneously resolved itself. I believe the column was already formatted to be dates (or at least, it is currently I hadn’t made any changes to it between now and then)... So not sure what was going on.


I’ll give Airtable a try for my next spreadsheet.


