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I am trying to set up an automation to auto transcribe calls from OpenPhone and for some reason, Zapier pushes out 2 transcription orders for 1 single recording. Can someone please help me with this. The zap is as follow:


Complete Zap
A previous faulty run. Even though there is only 1 recording link going out from openphone
And only one recording link going into Rev here in this step

Even though there is only 1 recording link going out from openphone, And only one recording link going into Rev here in this step. Revv is getting 2 duplicate orders.

I tried with a different transcription app ‘transkriptor’ as well but it is the same case there. 

Can anyone help me out here please


HI @ZapMasterAaditya 

In order for us to have full context, post screenshots with each step is outlined and configured.

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  1. Step 2: Filter for processing outgoing calls only

    But there are double orders being placed for some reason 


This may be why…

For the File URL field, the mapped variable is “Recordings URL”, which is plural and seems to indicate there can be multiple recordings.

If you need to handle each separately, then use the Looping app:


I see why it might be confusing, I thought so too at first but If you see the second screenshot on my first initial post with Zap run details, you will see that Openphone is only sending out 1 recording link and not 2. You can see in the Data Out section. 




The URL value is truncated in the screenshot, so we can’t see the full URL value sent.

Also, the values are indented which indicates nesting and may indicate an array of items.

We would need to see screenshots with all the DATA OUT from the Zap trigger step from the Zap Runs history details:


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Data out from trigger


Data in on transcriptor app.

Hope this provides clarity


Can you post screenshots that show proof of the duplicate orders from the transcription apps?

Sure, here is a screenshot from Transkiptor from an older run 


Here is reference from the latest run


Here is Duplicate proof




From the transcription app, each order should have a unique ID that you can use to search by in the Zap Runs to troubleshoot:

Perhaps the OpenPhone Zap trigger is firing more than once.


I see, you seem to be right. Zap was started 2 times for the same call at the same time here as I can check. How do I stop this from happening?​​​​​


Looks like the Zap triggered 3 times at the same time.

1 was Filtered.

Check the data points in the 2 Zap Runs that were successful to determine which data points were unique.

Zaps have built in trigger deduplication, so that means the data is likely unique for each triggered Zap Run.

Perhaps there were 3+ callers on the call?


The one filtered out makes sense to me. (works the way I want it)

But the 2 successful zaps should have been just one Zap run and not 2 identical ones triggering at same time, There was just 2 callers on the call (like in any standard call) and the automation is set up only on our OpenPhone account. 


Check the data points in the 2 Zap Runs that were successful to determine which data points were unique.

Can you please suggest what data points should be checked, as far as I see both the runs are completely identical, even the recording link is exactly the same and the only difference is the Zap code/number


For us to have context, post screenshots of the DATA OUT from both Zap Runs so we can review.

@ZapMasterAaditya were you able to find a resolution here?  Seeing same issue on my side with duplicate runs per new recording event.

Hi @ZapMasterAaditya and @wanderingjam,

I did some digging into this, and it seems like the issue of OpenPhone triggering twice causing duplicate runs when using the “Call Recording Completed” trigger is a known bug. Our team is aware of the issue and we're working with OpenPhone on a fix. I've added your email address as another affected user. That does a few things:

  • Bring this to the attention of the integration developers
  • Help track and prioritize fixes
  • Allows us to notify you via email if/when this is fixed

Unfortunately, I do not have an ETA, but I’ve added you to the list of users affected by this issue so we can let you know as soon as we have any updates.

Hopefully, this helps.

Hi @ken.a thanks for the reply!  I understand that you don’t have an ETA.  To help me better understand what I’m dealing with here, can you please tell me how long this has been a known bug that you’ve been “working with OpenPhone on a fix” for?

e.g. did this get flagged as a bug last week so we can expect movement in the near term?  Or has this been a known bug for 6 months that I shouldn’t expect to be resolved anytime soon?

Hi @wanderingjam,

This bug was reported 4 months ago. I understand that our current bug handling process may seem unclear. We are constantly working behind the scenes, but unfortunately, we are only able to provide updates once the bug is fixed. I want to emphasize that a lot of work is happening even if it may not seem that way.

Handling bugs is quite challenging due to the large number of integrations on Zapier (over 5,000+), resulting in constantly shifting priorities. Additionally, some variables are beyond our control, such as dependencies on our partners to make changes. This makes it difficult to provide accurate timeframes for bug fixes.

In the meantime, you can also nudge OpenPhone regarding the bug with their app in Zapier since they are the ones who update and maintain their integration with Zapier.

I appreciate your patience and understanding.

Here is a working and functional solution to this bug: You can just read the attached PDF for the details if you want.

This bug has annoyed me since late last year and was going to really ruin some new automations we are implementing. So I decided to solve it yesterday and ended up staying up all night to do so. Key takeaways from someone relatively new to Zapier: I could not find a way to handle this inside Zapier. I feel like the esiest solution is to apply random delays (ideally seconds) to each hook as it comes in and then use Storage By Zapier and filtering to filter out one of the duplicates. But that did not work and I lost a lot of time trying to use Airtable as well to apply a random short delay. So this morning after a couple of hours of sleep I realized the best way to workaround this was to pass a unique and shared value from the duplicate hooks and store them in AirTable. Then have Zapier delay to wait for Airtable to quickly run an auto script that will remove one of the duplicates. After the delay is over a Find Record and Filter step in Zapier will terminate one of the two duplicate Zaps. I like this solution because it’s easy to understand and apply and will continue to work if somehow OpenPhone ever fixes this. I believe the same technique/logic could be achieved using Google Sheets with a little tweaking so AirTable is not a must. Oh, and I have to give a shout out to my best friend ChatGPT for staying up with me all night writing code and brainstorming on this. The attached guide including Airtable Script is a summary courtesy of Chat with a bit of tweaking from me.

Hopefully my overnight endeavor helps someone save some time and frustration!

Thank you for sharing the workaround here @MathTowne! We really appreciate it!

However, I can’t seem to download the attached PDF. Could you please try sending the PDF again?


I just realized there is a small mistake in my guide. I will update this comment in a a few with the fixed version

This comment has the correct guide attached. Here is a link to it as well in Google Drive


It would be great if a moderator would remove the file I uploaded originally so as not to confuse anyone.

Hi @MathTowne,

Thank you for sharing the Google Drive link. This will be helpful for our community members who may encounter the same issue. We appreciate the effort you put into finding a workaround. 

Also, I have removed the file you uploaded previously.
