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Does anyone know how to get Zapier to actually respond? 

Is there anything that can be done except report a faulty charge to AmEx?

Hi @Rico C.A. 

I’ve flagged this for a Zapier Community rep to review and reply to you.

Hi @Rico C.A.! 👋

I’m so sorry to hear about the unexpected charge here. Looking on this end I can see that you’ve already reached out to our Billing and Accounts team which is perfect. I do know that they’re experiencing high volumes of queries at the moment but someone will get back to you on this as soon as they can.

In case it’s helpful in tracking down the reason for the charge I did want to note that this type of situation can sometimes occur for the following reasons:

  • another Zapier plan was accidentally created under a different email address which has been auto-upgraded to a paid plan. 
  • a colleague has signed up for Zapier using a company card that’s linked to the same bank account.

If you’re able to track down the other account, I’d recommend logging into that Zapier account and then reaching out to the Billing & Accounts team directly from that other account to help speed things up. Hope that helps! 🤞

For anyone that comes across this thread and is facing a similar issue:
Please note that for any plan or billing related issues our Billing and Accounts team are the best people to talk to. Us folks in Community cannot assist with rectifying those sorts of issues. 

You can contact them using the form at the bottom of the page here: - be sure to select the Accounts, pricing and billing option to have your message routed directly to the Billing and Accounts team. 

HI - I’m a little confused….nobody on my side authorized anything and it’s a little annoying that you’re sort of giving me the robot answer.  Is someone going to reach out to me or do I have to go through Amex and have them reverse the charge?

Hi @Rico C.A. 

Sounds like perhaps you were on a free trial (that was not canceled or downgraded) which then converted to a paid plan when the free trial ended.

That could have been the case -- except that I went into Zapier to make sure that wasn’t case.  It still says that I’m on a free tier.  I feel like this could be cleared up in 10 seconds if someone would actually call me or email me back who is looking at my account. 

@Rico C.A.

Zapier Customer Support options per plan:


For anyone that comes across this thread and is facing a similar issue:
Please note that for any plan or billing related issues our Billing and Accounts team are the best people to talk to. Us folks in Community cannot assist with rectifying those sorts of issues. 

You can contact them using the form at the bottom of the page here: - be sure to select the Accounts, pricing and billing option to have your message routed directly to the Billing and Accounts team. 

But Troy - this is a billing issue - not a technical issue.  It feels very hostile to me that nobody is willing to help me.   Help?

@Rico C.A. 

Unfortunately I don’t work for Zapier, so my capacity to help is limited. (I’m just a Certified Zapier Expert offering help.)

@Rico C.A. 

Zapier Support:






Thanks, Troy.  I appreciate the advice.

Tough Luck. I am in the same boat. I tried to disconnect from another compay. Zapier is not a company this is a joke and a money making machine. I have moved to a no-charge account with Zapier and changed bank accounts. Best bet to get your money back: Try to have your bank recuperate your $400plus.  Good luck!
