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I have a number of zaps defined, all of which are set to pull the signature from my gmail account.

However, I just changed the signature in the gmail account, and I find that the zaps are still using a cached version of the signature.

I tried to “refresh” the signature settings in zapier, but the old info is still being sent.

I tested by creating a new zap… and it correctly pulls the proper info… how can I force zapier to clear its cache?

Hi @fitm 

Try this:

  1. Remove the selected Signature in the Zap field.
  2. Publish the Zap.
  3. Edit the Zap.
  4. Select the desired Signature in the Zap field.
  5. Publish the Zap.

Thank you, that worked.

Thanks for following up here to confirm that sorted it @fitm! 🤗

Really pleased Troy’s suggestion helped to get the Zap to use the correct Gmail signature. Seems like you’re all set for now, but please do reach out in the Community again if you need any further help. In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡️
