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Zap flow: 
Trigger: New record in Adalo
Path: If data contains X then do Y
Action: Add subscriber to MailerLite group

1. Zapier does not pull in email data from Adalo new record


2 . Zapier does not pull in the email field or data​​​​​​​


The records that is pulls in definitely have the data in Adalo.
All other records seem present and the correct data is there.

Any help would be amazing!

​​​​​​​Thank you!


Thank you for the fast reply!! Appreciated!

I have tested the trigger and Zapier is pulling in the correct fields (sometimes). When it does pull in the email field it’s empty. See below.

I will check the data in Adalo to make sure it is clean. The email is a text field so it shouldn’t really matter I don’t think. I do have 2 fields called “Email”, one is a text field for the email address and the other is a True/false.

Perhaps I’m missing something :(


This may help someone in the future.

It looks like there was an issue with columns being called the same thing even though they were different field types - text and boolean.

I changed/edited the boolean field name so they were both different and now the data is being pulled in correctly.

Short version: Make sure all columns are named uniquely 


Thanks for taking the time to share the solution you found here, @Ali_Macca. This information is super helpful to others coming across this post so it’s very much appreciated! 🤗

Sounds like you’re all set for the moment but please do reach out in the Community again if there’s anything we can help with in future. In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡️
