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Hello all,


I tried to run a zap with zoho bigin, but missing Company/Account name part of “Create Deal”  process on Zapier is the issue. When I map all the fields i get a message on Zapier:

Failed to create a deal in Bigin by Zoho CRM

The app returned "invalid data".

I run many tests and as a conclusion, the company/account name is not included in the creation process of this zap.

Any idea to overcome this issue and map company/account name?


Please note that I am using the new version of Zoho Bigin which includes sub-pipelines

Hi @Khaled 

The invalid data can occur if your provided wrong information for example a dropdown option that doesn’t exist, provided text data to an ID field. You mentioned no company data available, if it’s a required field you need to provide a company ID, either a static one or you need to create a company first in a previous step

Hi @robschmidt 


I know all of that and thank you for highlighting it again. 

My issue is

on Zoho, the company field is available, marked mandatory when creating a deal.

On zapier, the company field is unavailable, it is not being read nor available to be linked when creating a deal.


so, the issue of this invalid data is:

Zoho is is trying to link a field of Company

Zapier is not showing that field..

Hi @Khaled 

Thanks for confirming that information.

To ensure we’re on the same page, could you send screenshots of how you’ve configured the steps of the Zap so far? That’ll help me make sure I give you the best suggestion possible.

(If there’s any personal information, kindly blur them.)

Looking forward to your response!