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I keep getting an error on all of my Zapier Interfaces form components. 
When trying to navigate to a page with a form component I get this error at the top of the screen

Uh oh, something went wrong.

With a different error code each time.

The form component shows 
“Something is amiss
This component is not configured appropriately.”

But any other type of component is working on the same page.

same here!

Hi @Kyle VanBibber and @garon.jinlongyu 

You can try submitting a ticket here:

I met the same issue as as well!

Hi @Kyle VanBibber and @garon.jinlongyu 

You can try submitting a ticket here:

Hi Troy,

The ticket link is shows the same error, I guess Zapier currently has some issue with their interface.

Hi friends,

Are you still seeing the error when navigating though Interfaces?

Please let me know. Thanks! 

I’ve get the same error message and sometimes 504 error and missing styling in embedded interface in my site.

Good syle:


Bad styling


Hi @EpoxHUN,

I’d recommend reaching out to our Interfaces Team regarding this issue. They can dig deeper and determine the cause of the issue you’re experiencing.

You can reach our Interfaces Team here:

Hopefully, this helps.

Hi @EpoxHUN,

I’d recommend reaching out to our Interfaces Team regarding this issue. They can dig deeper and determine the cause of the issue you’re experiencing.

You can reach our Interfaces Team here:

Hopefully, this helps.

Not even the app interfaces reach out form works

Hi guys,


You may try this link to contact our Interface team to continue troubleshooting the issue. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience. 
