
Zapier email forward caught in spam loop - How to remove unsubscribe link?

  • 8 September 2023
  • 1 reply



My spam trap is catching my zapier email forward. 


Facebook Lead Form > Email by Zapier> (gets caught in spam trap) > My inbox


My spam software for my email server says it will allow it through the spam trap if you get rid of the spammy Unsubscribe link at the footer. 


Now I know emails should have an unsubscribe. But this is an automation set up by myself and i’ve chose the receveing email. Why would Zapier need to include an unsubscribe.


I need to get rid of this to allow my the zaps to go straight through to my inbox. is there a way to get rid of the unsubscribe button or redirect to our unsubscribe link. Can anyone help me.

1 reply

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Anchor Vans 

Good question.

Try using a different email app to send the email. (e.g. Gmail)


Why would Zapier need to include an unsubscribe?

Zapier doesn’t know where someone will send an email when configuring a Zap, thus the need for the unsub to allow the recipient some level of control.
