Hi @stylebase I can see that you continued your conversation with our Support Team and found that the likely culprit here is the way that the MySQL app recognises new and updated rows.
For other users, if you’re seeing that a Zap using the MySQL trigger New or Updated Row is triggering on Rows that you don’t think it should, it’s likely that the issue is the way that the Zap is ‘deduplicating’ the data. Deduplication is how a Zap knows whether or not it’s seen a piece of information before, you can read more about how deduplication works in this help guide.
In the case of MySQL, Zapier only ‘sees’ the first 50 rows in the database so if the data is re-ordered or if the primary key/s are changed, Zapier will think that the data in the table is new and a ‘new item’ Zap will trigger. This help doc has more information on how deduplication works in MySQL, and how that can affect your Zap.
To help with deduplication in MySQL, we strongly recommend using the ‘Order by’ field - generally you’ll want to use something that will order the data in reverse chronological order (newest to oldest), something like ‘created on’