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Zapier doesn't detect inbound ClickSend SMS messages for trigger.

Hi all, I have a dedicated SMS number on ClickSend, and can receive SMS messages to ClickSend’s dashboard.

I can SEND messages from Zapier via ClickSend without issue.

When I receive a ClickSend SMS message and attempt to create a new Zapier trigger based on that, Zapier does not see any SMS messages in my inbox and only generates test data for the triggers portion. 




@Troy Tessalone , don’t know why we got spammed like crazy, but a quick follow-up question.

I did read the link you sent (Appreciate you for making content like that around the community.) but wanted to clarify…

Is the general suggestion that I should store the first outbound messages (both the originating Slack message and resulting SMS via ClickSend) in a table with all identifying information, like individual message IDs, and then any response one way or the other (Slack to ClickSend, or inbound SMS ClickSend to Slack) searches that table for the corresponding thread to reply to if replying to Slack? (Replying to SMS is less of an issue because it just needs to know the audience, not a specific thread to reply to.)


Yes, that is the general concept of the lookup table used to translate values from one app to another to make the automations dynamic.
