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Zapier could not connect to your account. Unable to verify that your connection has access to the Firebase/Firestore project

  • 28 February 2023
  • 5 replies

I wanted to link Firebase to Gmail, so, whenever I got a new entry in the Realtime Database, it would send me a email. But, while Connecting Firebase / Firestore account, it just always gets stuck at the last step and it will show the error - 

Zapier could not connect to your account.

Unable to verify that your connection has access to the Firebase/Firestore project "contact-us-website-asdasd"


i am using the correct “Project ID” in the project settings of Firebase.


Can someone please help me sort this out?

Hi @PranavVerma234 

Good question.


About Firebase's Integration

Connecting with Firebase

miscEye icon Note

Currently, the integration supports only US-hosted databases. If your database is in a different region, please contact Zapier Support to request this feature.

@Troy Tessalone I have a US Hosted database…. It still wont connect :/


Can you post a screenshot of the encountered error?


@Troy Tessalone Here is the Error.


I am using the correct “Project ID” and the google account in which I have created the firebase project.


Make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces/whitespace in the provided Project ID.


Otherwise, you can try opening a ticket with Zapier Support:
