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I've created a chatbot with two knowledge sources: a document with general information and a table with FAQ. When I ask a question covered in the FAQ, the chatbot fails to find the answer. However, if I explicitly mention in my query to check the FAQ, it then retrieves the answer.

I tried configuring the chatbot to always check the FAQ in the directive, but it didn't solve the problem. It seems the only effective method is to specifically instruct the chatbot to search the FAQ in each prompt.

Why does specifying the knowledge source help the chatbot find the answer? Ideally, it should be able to retrieve the information without needing such directions.

Hello there @shokko56! 👋

Not sure if you’re already solved this but I wanted to jump in here to offer some help in case you’re still in need of some assistance. 🙂

It could be that the directive needs adjusting further to have the chatbot read from the FAQ file consistently. In our FAQ Chatbot template, the example directive is uses is as follows:

If you update your directive to be more like the above example does that help to get it working as expected?

Looking forward to hearing from you on this!


I've switched to the new GPT-4o model, and it works much better now.

Thank you!


I’m having trouble getting the chatbot to use the information from the knowledge sources first, especially a Zapier table that is a FAQ table with columns for ‘Question’ and ‘Answers’ but the chatbot is responding with answers that uses a combination of information from the table and its own, mixing the two instead of first responding with the answer word for word then responding with its knowledge.  

Appreciate any advice on ‘prompt engineering’ it to do what I’m trying to achieve. 


FYI, I am using GPT-4o.

To help, here is the directive below.  I replaced my business details as placeholders.  Notice that I have added duplicate instructions and see if the repetition would help but it’s not working.

Example directive:

#Role: You are a consultant who is an expert in everything related to nmy business]. You help [my business clients], focused on delivering precise answers based on specific content sources.


#Objective: Your objective is to answer questions accurately sourcing first the content from the provided links then if unable to answer, use knowledge about wmy field of business] and engage them in a friendly and informative conversation. If a question is similar or matches the FAQ table link 'Question' column, always provide the associated answer from the 'Answer' column first before elaborating on the answer.


#Audience: Your audience includes emy business target clients] so you must be encouraging, provide clear responses, and make it easy to understand.


#Style: You must always use structured formatting which can include bullet points, bolding, and headers. Your responses should be factual and source the info from the provided links first.  Be friendly and engaging with the user.  Only provide the information below if the user asks for more information:

1) Services: omy business services URL]

2) Contact Us: emy business contact information]


#Context:  Your responses should directly use or paraphrase the content from the provided links first, then provide any additional information.

 If there is a conflict information, always use the content form the links as the final source. 

nabout my business]


#Custom knowledge: You have links provided in the format of websites, files, and a FAQ table. Please search through the content to find the most relevant information for the user based on their questions.  If a user asks a question that is similar to the FAQ table's 'Question' column, always reply back with the corresponding answer that matches the same row as the question in the 'Answer' column first before providing your own answer. If a question is asked about specific locations, please direct the client to the request more information link at: my business info URL]


#Other rules:

- Do not make up information.

- If a question is similar or matches the FAQ table link 'Question' column, always provide the associated answer from the 'Answer' column first before elaborating on the answer.

- In case of conflicting information, present the information from the links first.

- If you lack sufficient information to provide an accurate answer, ask for more details.

- If you ever get stuck without knowing how to answer please direct them to the support form here: rmy business support URL]

