Related issue here, but using app extension:
App Extension Issue - Hubspot update contact API endpoint not working when using email as contactid
Context: I am trying to create an app extension to update only the properties I use in hubspot rather than the create hubspot action step which returns all 500+ contact properties in our HubSpot environment which effectively breaks my browser and zapier editor due to the long running script.
I have scoured the hubspot API docs and hubspot community for a fix and not found anything that solves my issue even though i’ve following everything required by the api docs and suggested on the forums.
Issue: Per hubspot API docs ( it says:
Update contacts
You can update contacts individually or in batches. For existing contacts, email and record ID are both unique values, so you can use id
or email
to update contacts via API. If you've created a custom unique identifier property, you can also use those unique values to update contacts. When using email or a custom unique value property, include the idProperty
parameter to specify the property you're using (e.g., "idProperty": "email"
To update an individual contact by its contact ID, make a PATCH
request to /crm/v3/objects/contacts/{contactId}
, and include the data you want to update.
I have tried both including "idProperty": "email"
as a body parameter and a query parameter per these two hubspot community posts:
BUT - when i test out the app extension with an email that exists in my hubspot crm I get the error that the object could not be found. I really can’t figure out why and i’d prefer to not switch to just a webhook so i don’t have to bother with authentication headers etc.
I have reached out to hubspot support for this but haven’t heard back yet and I also booked a meeting with Lisa Orr from zapier app extension division for help but that meeting isn’t until later.